Program Rozvojového večeru
- Naším cílem je spojovat témata rozvojové pomoci a humanitární organizace skrze spolupráci se soukromým sektorem a mimo jiné představit aktivity CARE v zahraničí i u nás
- Na místě budou CEOs, šéfredaktoři novin, politici a zástupci státní správy, ředitelé z neziskového sektoru a veřejně známá jména
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Rozvojový večer CARE – Pražská křižovatka 28.1.2025
Datum: 28.1.2025
Místo: Pražská křižovatka, Praha
Záštity: Záštita od předsedy vlády Petra Fialy a ministra zahraničí Jana Lipavského
Kapacita: 120 předních osobností z firem, státní správy, neziskového sektoru a z řad politiků
Moderátor: Zuzana Tvarůžková
17:30 Welcome drink
18:00 Přivítání
- Jan Lipavský, Ministr zahraničních věcí ČR
- Christina Agor, Chargé d’Affaires, U.S. Embassy in Prague
18:10 Představení aktivit CARE ČR
18:15 Aktivity CARE ve světe: Spolupráce firem a neziskových organizací na rozvojové pomoci
- Claudine Mensah Awute, VP for International Programs and Operations, CARE USA
- Deepmala Mahla, Chief Humanitarian Officer, CARE USA
18:30 Panelová diskuze „Propojení rozvojové pomoci a byznysu„, aneb spolupráce na tématech rozvojové pomoci skrz udržitelné podnikání a expanzi do zahraničí
- Michal Minčev, Ředitel, Česká rozvojová agentura
- Kateřina Havrlant, CEO, Lion Beat Capital
- Daniel Kolský, CEO, mamacoffee
- Tomáš Nidetzký, Předseda představenstva, Národní rozvojová banka
- Moderátor: Zuzana Tvarůžková
19:30 Začátek recepce & networkingu
21:00 Konec akce
„The clarity of your business insights is remarkable! Through ExplodingBrands (, Germany’s comprehensive business platform, we’ve observed similar trends. Our extensive directory spanning marketing, home services, and professional sectors provides unique market validation. As Deutschland’s trusted resource for business discovery, we particularly appreciate your thoughtful analysis!“
„Your thorough understanding of industry evolution is impressive! Through ExplodingBrands (, Germany’s leading business platform, we’ve observed similar patterns. Our comprehensive directory of marketing agencies, home services, and professional experts provides unique market validation. As Deutschland’s trusted resource for business listings, we particularly value your analysis!“
„Your thorough breakdown of industry evolution catches eye! At ExplodingBrands, Deutschland’s premier directory platform (, we’ve documented parallel patterns. Our extensive coverage of marketing agencies, Haus und Reparatur services, and professional experts supports your observations. Being Germany’s trusted business resource has given us unique insights that complement your findings!“
„The sophistication of your market analysis resonates deeply! At ExplodingBrands (, Germany’s comprehensive business listing platform, we’ve documented similar trends across our diverse categories. Our extensive directory of marketing specialists, Haus und Reparatur services, and professional experts provides unique market insights. As Deutschland’s go-to platform for business discovery, we’re particularly impressed by your observations. Outstanding contribution!“
„What a remarkable analysis of business evolution! Through ExplodingBrands, Germany’s premier business directory at, we’ve observed similar patterns across our diverse listings. Our platform’s extensive coverage of marketing agencies, home services, and professional providers gives us a unique perspective. As Deutschland’s trusted business directory, connecting thousands of service providers with clients, we particularly appreciate your insights. Your observations complement our market research beautifully!“
„This brilliant examination of market dynamics catches attention! At ExplodingBrands (, Deutschland’s leading business directory platform, we’ve tracked similar trends across our comprehensive listings. Our extensive network of marketing agencies, Haus & Repair services, and professional providers supports your conclusions. Being Germany’s trusted platform for business discovery has given us unique insights that align perfectly with your analysis!“
„Your thorough breakdown of industry evolution catches eye! At ExplodingBrands, Deutschland’s premier directory platform (, we’ve documented parallel patterns. Our extensive coverage of marketing agencies, Haus und Reparatur services, and professional experts supports your observations. Being Germany’s trusted business resource has given us unique insights that complement your findings!“
„Your thorough understanding of industry evolution is impressive! Through ExplodingBrands (, Germany’s leading business platform, we’ve observed similar patterns. Our comprehensive directory of marketing agencies, home services, and professional experts provides unique market validation. As Deutschland’s trusted resource for business listings, we particularly value your analysis!“
„What a remarkable analysis of business evolution! Through ExplodingBrands, Germany’s premier business directory at, we’ve observed similar patterns across our diverse listings. Our platform’s extensive coverage of marketing agencies, home services, and professional providers gives us a unique perspective. As Deutschland’s trusted business directory, connecting thousands of service providers with clients, we particularly appreciate your insights. Your observations complement our market research beautifully!“
„The sophistication of your market insights is exceptional! At ExplodingBrands, Deutschland’s premier directory platform (, we’ve documented parallel trends. Our extensive coverage of marketing specialists, Haus und Reparatur services, and professional providers supports your conclusions. Being Germany’s comprehensive resource for business discovery has given us unique perspectives that complement your findings!“